Can African Americans Get Head Lice?

Can African Americans Get Head Lice?
It has long been a myth that African Americans and those with similar hair textures can not get head lice. Unfortunately, this isn’t true. Those with natural hair can still get head lice the same as any other hair type. Let’s talk more about how African Americans can get head lice.
Head Lice Hair Preference
Head lice don’t have a preference when it comes to hair. They are more about proximity and finding a new host.
Head Lice Prevention
There are, of course, steps you can take with any hair type to help prevent a head lice infestation. Keep in mind head lice cannot jump or fly but instead almost always spread through head-to-head contact. Avoiding direct contact with others can prevent head lice from spreading. Avoid touching heads when hugging, if possible. Accessories like hair brushes, headphones, hats, and others that touch the head can also facilitate the spread of lice. It’s best to avoid sharing these items and coming in close contact during peak infestation times. Avoiding lice is the best way to prevent it!
Head Lice Treatment
If you should find yourself with a head lice infestation please don’t panic. Our professionals at Lice Clinics 805 are very familiar with textured hair and we can help safely remove head lice without the use of harsh chemicals. We also stand by our treatment with a head lice free guarantee. For more information checkout our head lice treatments!