Why Shaving Your Head Won’t Get Rid of Lice!

Why Shaving Your Head Won’t Get Rid of Head Lice
Lice are tiny insects that live on the scalp and lay eggs. They are a nuisance, but they are not dangerous. Many people believe that shaving their head will get rid of lice, but this is not true. Lice can survive without a host for up to 48 hours, so even if you shave your head, the lice will just come back.
Head lice can survive without a host for 48 hours.
Despite what you may have heard, shaving your head will not get rid of head lice. In fact, head lice can survive without a host for up to 48 hours. This means that they can easily reinfect someone who has shaved their head.
The best way to get rid of head lice is to use a special shampoo or cream rinse that is available over-the-counter or from your doctor. These products kill the lice and their eggs. You may need to use them more than once to make sure all the lice are gone.
Shaving your head will not kill all the lice eggs.
Lice eggs, also called nits, are small and oval shaped. They are usually found close to the scalp, but can sometimes be found further away. Nits are glued to the hair shaft with a substance that is secreted by the louse.
Shaving your head will not kill all the lice eggs because they are glued to the hair shaft. The best way to remove nits is to use a nit comb or your fingers to carefully remove them from the hair shaft.
Keep your hair and use prevention methods to keep away lice
While the idea of shaving your head seems like a quick and easy way to get rid of lice, it’s not. Keep your hair and keep up with good habits to prevent head lice. Don’t share hats, hair brushes, and keep your hair clean and dry. If you do find yourself with lice don’t fret! Call Lice Clinic 805 and our trained professionals will help you get lice free fast! Our treatments are fast, non-toxic, and backed for our lice free guarantee. Stay lice free with the lice experts at Lice Clinics 805!